Friday, September 16, 2011

Let's Follow the recipe he following in Maintaining Health:

During his life rarely exposed penyakit.hal Rasullulah is because he is always on guard kesehatannya.Sebagai umatya we need to follow the example of his attitude is to always sound like he
Let's Follow the recipe he following in Maintaining Health:

1. MORNING WAKE UP before dawn
Rasululah Muhammad always wake up before dawn, praying and praying sunnah Fardhu, morning prayers in congregation. Terms of health and this contributes to:

- Freshness of the morning air yg good for health / treatment of TB disease
- Strengthen your mind and nourish the feeling


The Apostle always always neat & clean, every Thursday or Friday, he washes the fine hairs on the cheek, always cut the nails, use a comb and oily active wangi.Dengan hygiene then the body will be spared from bacteria and viruses that can attack health.

Food Portion 3.Menjaga

Word of the Apostle: "We are a folk who do not eat before we eat when hungry and not too much (not to satiety)" (Agreed alaih)
In the human body there are 3 rooms for 3 objects: One-third for air, water and a third for the other third to one tarbiyyah makanan.Bahkan especially for Muslims in the Ramadan fasting to balance health.


The Apostle always walk to the Mosque, Market, jihad, visiting a friend's house, and sebagainya.Dengan walk, sweat will flow, the pores open and the blood circulation will run smoothly. This is important for preventing heart disease.

5. Not easily provoked

Prophet's advice: "Do not Angry" repeated 3 times. This menunujukkan nature of health and strength lies in jasadiyah Muslims are not alone, but beyond that is based on cleanliness and mental health. There is prompt treatment to resist angry:
- Change the position when angry, when standing then sitting, then lie down and when sitting
- Reading Ta 'awwudz, because anger is from Syaithon
- Immediately ablution
- Prayer 2 Rokaat to achieve peace and eliminate the anxiety heart


Optimistic attitude will give a profound psychological impact for the soul, so be patient spaciousness, istiqomah and work hard, and tawakal to Allah SWT.


To maintain the health of the stability of the heart & soul, then stay away from envy mentality is very appropriate preventive measures.


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